

Address: Mesogeion 151, 15126 Maroussi Athens, Greece
Website Link


Doukas School is a K-12 educational institution, with educational and athletic facilities amongst the best in design and construction in Greece, offering its 1,600 student body one of the finest educational and athletic programs in the country. Since 1997, Doukas School has organized the web-based Panhellenic Student Competition, LYSIAS, that attracts, on average, 30,000 student participations per year. Doukas School has received many awards for the innovative practices it is implementing in the teaching process. Doukas School became a Microsoft Case Study school in 2012, for its implementation of the 1:1 Computing in the classroom. Doukas School has participated and continues to participate in several EU and National R&D projects (ERASMUS+. H2020, LLP, etc.).​


University of Social Sciences

Address: ul. Sienkiewicza 9, 90-113 Lodz, Poland
Website Link

University of Social Sciences

Społeczna Akademia Nauk is one of the leading private universities in Poland having  16.000 students and over 700 academic staff. There are 18 departments, including Language Studies, Culture Studies, Management, Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology and IT studies.   SAN offers PhD, MA and BA studies, post-graduate courses as well as specialized training courses on daily, evening and weekend and extramural basis. SAN collaborates with Clark University enabling students to obtain an American Master`s degree and to complete their studies in the USA and participate in a internship program. SAN has a dedicated unit responsible for creation and providing e-learning courses (as whole studies and short courses) - Polish Open Academy.  The University is experienced in creation of new e-learning courses in many fields.


University of Dundee

Address: Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK
Website Link

University of Dundee

The University of Dundee is a world leader in the field of Comics Studies, and home to the Scottish Centre for Comics Studies (SCCS). Since 2015 SCCS has operated Dundee Comics Creative Space (DCCS), co-funded by the University and the Rank Foundation. DCCS is a social enterprise project aimed at educating young people using comics, running several weekly workshops and after school clubs. DCCS also supports aspiring and semi-professional comics creators through Ink Pot Studio, which provides work space and funded creative projects for aspiring and semi-professional comics creators in the community.  We have our own comics publishing imprint, UniVerse Comics, and bring comics scholarship together with practice-based research, public engagement, and social enterprise.  


The Polish Farm Advisory
and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o.

Address: ul. Lomzynska 24, 18-413 Miastkowo, Poland
Website Link

The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o.

The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o. is a private not-for-profit company dedicated to providing farm advisory services, enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit in rural areas and fostering the rural development in general. The organisation’s main goal is to improve the livelihoods of people living in rural areas by offering them the best and most professional and personalised advice, as well as a variety of training courses and educational materials. The company believes that rural development is one of the core drivers of economic growth in Poland, and therefore wants to contribute to the productivity and competitiveness of Polish rural areas. The company aims at providing tailored education and training services in rural areas as well as improving the vitality and quality of life in rural areas.



Address: 6 Route Provinciale, 1315 Incourt, Belgium
Website Link


PROPEL Europe (Promoting Regional Opportunities and Partnerships in European Learning) a not-for-profit NGO based in Brussels which provides education, training and networking in and around the subjects of sustainability; responsible consumption; entrepreneurship; soft skills; circular economy; employment; youth; rural development; and more. PROPEL aims to provide advice, assistance and expertise so that these areas can be tackled coherently across EU policy sectors and frameworks with a multitude of innovative approaches. PROPEL believes in a sustainable vision for the future of Europe, where more information, education and training can lead to a more responsible approach to our natural resources.


ISEKI-Food Association

Address: 1190 Vienna, Austria
Website Link

ISEKI-Food Association

The ISEKI-Food Association is an independent non-profit organisation in the food sector. The activities are mainly focused on education and training.
ISEKI is developing and carrying out activities connected to food such as:
  • working towards the quality assurance of food studies
  • tuning and accrediting curricula and certifying training activities on an international level
  • developing teaching materials and teaching methods
  • promoting synergies between research, education/teaching, industry and authorities
  • development of a community of experts in the field of food with communication to the general public
  • establishment of a framework of agreements among partners, fostering the mobility of students and staff, stimulating the development of further related projects, cooperation in the implementation of quality criteria in the food chain
Copyright © 2025 FOOD AWARE.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047855
Mesogeion 151, Marousi 151 26, Athens, Greece