Issue 4
The FOOD-AWARE project is soon approaching its end. The continuous and hard work of the consortium members during the last 2 years is being completed on 31st December 2020. From now on, all training materials for teachers and teaching aids for schoolchildren are ready to travel around the world and contribute to a more sustainable future!
Final Conference
We would like to invite you to the Final Conference of the “FOOD-AWARE” project which will take place online on:
11 December 2020 at 14:00-18:30 CET

Don’t miss the chance to get informed about the training materials and teaching aids developed during our project, and listen to presentations of educational experts and teachers from around the world. The conference will be mainly interesting for elementary school teachers, for parents who conduct home-schooling during the current pandemic situation, and for anyone who is interested in learning more about food awarenessEnough time for discussion is planned.

Registration is FREE, but online registration is mandatory.

For more information regarding the programme and the speakers, please visit the conference page.
Training Platform

The Training Platform, which includes all the training materials for teachers and the teaching aids for schoolchildren, is ready! Visit our website and click on the tab "Training Platform" to view all the available materials. 
The Local Food Production module helps teachers better understand what a local food system is and therefore teach children why local food production is healthy for people and important for the society.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
  • Matching exercise "Healthy food instead of junk food"
  • True/False quiz 
  • Puzzle "Local food system"
The Food Chain module provides a thorough look at the journey food makes from the farm to our fork and teaches children the difference between local and imported food procedures. 
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
  • Puzzle "Food Chain"
  • True/False quiz
  • Matching exercise "Elements of food chain"
The Food Waste module aims to train teachers on what and how common food waste is and consequently teaches children how to reduce their food waste in an efficient manner with practical and concrete advice.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
  • Mix & match exercise "Food Waste on every level of food chain"
  • True/False quiz
  • Group work "How we can make the world a better place by 2030"
The Resource Efficiency module focuses on the resources which are used to produce our food and hence teaches children the concepts of sustainability and circular economy.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
  • Group work "How we can use the natural resources"
  • Matching exercise "Sustainability"
  • True/False quiz
The Responsible Food Consumption module explains terms such as food inequality, food insecurity and carbon footprint, and teaches children how to be responsible consumers.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
  • Correct order exercise "The carbon footprint"
  • Puzzle "Wasting food"
  • True/False quiz
All the activities can be found in the specified area of our Training Platform in English. By the end of December 2020 they will be available in 4 other languages (French, German, Greek, Polish). 
Comics, Posters & Animated video
Colourful and engaging comics and posters complement all the training materials and illustrate the project's food-related topics. Five representative characters go through several situations in each comics and help children understand the idea of food awareness. 

An animated educational video presents the issue of food waste in an intriguing and attractive manner and educates children how to prevent food waste in their own lives. The video includes subtitles in 5 languages (English, French, German, Greek, Polish).
Social Media
The FOOD-AWARE project is active on Facebook and on Instagram! Since the beginning of November we started sharing our training materials on our social media pages. Feel free to follow us and get informed about our project news and outcomes!
Find Out More
Project Consortium
Project number: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047855
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Copyright © 2020 FOOD-AWARE PROJECT, All rights reserved.

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Doukas School
Mesogeion 151, Marousi 151 26
Athens, Greece

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FOOD-AWARE PROJECT · Mesogeion 151 · Athens, Marousi 15126 · Greece

Copyright © 2025 FOOD AWARE.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047855
Mesogeion 151, Marousi 151 26, Athens, Greece