The Local Food Production module helps teachers better understand what a local food system is and therefore teach children why local food production is healthy for people and important for the society. It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
- Matching exercise "Healthy food instead of junk food"
- True/False quiz
- Puzzle "Local food system"
The Food Chain module provides a thorough look at the journey food makes from the farm to our fork and teaches children the difference between local and imported food procedures.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
- Puzzle "Food Chain"
- True/False quiz
- Matching exercise "Elements of food chain"
The Food Waste module aims to train teachers on what and how common food waste is and consequently teaches children how to reduce their food waste in an efficient manner with practical and concrete advice.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
- Mix & match exercise "Food Waste on every level of food chain"
- True/False quiz
- Group work "How we can make the world a better place by 2030"
The Resource Efficiency module focuses on the resources which are used to produce our food and hence teaches children the concepts of sustainability and circular economy.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
- Group work "How we can use the natural resources"
- Matching exercise "Sustainability"
- True/False quiz
The Responsible Food Consumption module explains terms such as food inequality, food insecurity and carbon footprint, and teaches children how to be responsible consumers.
It includes 3 interesting activities for the schoolchildren:
- Correct order exercise "The carbon footprint"
- Puzzle "Wasting food"
- True/False quiz
All the activities can be found in the specified area of our Training Platform in English. By the end of December 2020 they will be available in 4 other languages (French, German, Greek, Polish).