Issue 3
The FOOD-AWARE project aims to provide training materials and aids for schoolchildren in urban and rural areas on subjects related to food and farming in order to raise awareness of sustainable food production and responsible food consumption. In the context of the project, a complete training methodology accompanied by a detailed training guide have been developed in order to provide what is needed to set up a training programme to introduce teachers and educators to these food and farming subject areas. The training aids have been developed to enable educators to introduce these subjects to students. Teachers and educators from the partner organisations will have the opportunity to participate in a Teacher Training Event in which they will learn how to present these subjects to their students as well as how to assist their peers in doing the same.
Training Modules
Local Food Production
The aim of the Local Food Production module is to give children information on what local food production is, why it is healthier for people, and why it is so important for the local environment. The learner will discover what a local food system is and why it is important for society. The module will also focus on the impact of local food production on the environment, the characteristics of local food production systems, and the advantages and challenges of local food production. This module will be prepared by Społeczna Akademia Nauk, Poland.
Food Chain
The Food Chain module will provide a more in-depth look at the journey agricultural produce makes from the farm, whether that is local or imported, all the way to the tables in our homes. It is important that children understand the difference between local and imported food, given the significant alterations which must be made in order to keep imported food fresh and edible, as well as the difference in food standards in other parts of the world. This module will also teach children how to differentiate between the two by learning about labelling and traceability. This module will be prepared by PROPEL Europe ASBL, Belgium.
Food Waste
This module will aim to teach children what food waste is, how common it is, and how to reduce it. The module will be multi-faceted and interdisciplinary as it will have a theoretical part as well as a practical one. The former will focus on food waste on different levels, starting from the source, then on to the producer, to transport, processor, distributor and lastly to the consumer. By focusing on all these areas, it will give pupils a clearer picture of how much food is wasted throughout the process. This will be then followed up by the consequences of food waste, for a better understanding of why action must be taken, and the module will conclude with a practical exercise encouraging the module participants to use a “food waste” diary for a week, where they record what food they have thrown away and why. The module will also cover the different aspects of wasted food, what happens to it and where does it go (landfill, etc.) Finally, the children will be taught how to limit their food waste in an efficient manner with practical and concrete advice. This module will be prepared by the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o.
Resource Efficiency
The Resource Efficiency module focuses on the resources which are used to produce our food, such as land, water, soil and other inputs. This module will teach children the concepts of sustainability and the circular economy so that they can apply them in their own lives wherever possible and make a positive change for our environment. This includes learning about different types of farming and inputs, and how these models vary in terms of resource pressure. This module will be prepared by PROPEL Europe ASBL, Belgium.
Responsible Food Consumption
This module will focus on the production of food in different areas throughout the world, including a comparison to the EU. The quality and diversity of food in Europe is very high thanks to strict rules and higher environmental standards that the EU has set for its farmers. However, there is still much that can be improved and this module aims to communicate this to the participants. This module will focus on food inequality, food insecurity, the carbon footprint of food production and how it can be minimised, the livelihood of farmers, and other principles to take into account for responsible food consumption. It will also have a practical exercise where children can record their meals for a week and then discuss their diet footprint, both environmental and social. This module will be prepared by the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o.
Comics & Animated video
The team at Dundee Comics Creative Space (DCCS) at the University of Dundee have been hard at work creating the five comics to complement the training modules in the FOOD-AWARE project. The first task was to create five characters that would feature throughout the comics. Using the same characters repeatedly in these narratives helps keep the readers engaged with the stories and messages behind the project.  It was also important for the characters to be representative of the different children who will be accessing the modules and to make the comics as inclusive as possible. 
DCCS then worked on breaking down the modules to create a narrative for the characters to inhabit. This was turned into scripts to enable work to begin on the layout and design of the comics. The comics are bright, colourful and engaging and will work alongside the training materials to illustrate the project themes and ideas.

Finally, the team at PROPEL Europe ASBL have developed an animated educational video, which presents the issue of food waste in a funny and engaging manner whilst maintaining its informational aspect and educating children on how to prevent food waste in their own lives.
Website & Social Media
An e-learning platform, which will include all training materials, educational video and comics, will be soon available on the project website. The platform will be an advanced, innovative and interactive learning tool, which will also be open access.
Apart from Facebook, the FOOD-AWARE project is now also active on Instagram! Feel free to follow us on social media and stay tuned about interesting posts related to the project!
Next steps
Activity sheets in interactive and pdf format for all modules will be soon available on the e-learning platform. These materials are currently being prepared by Społeczna Akademia Nauk, Poland. Moreover, a short-term joint staff training event will be organized by Społeczna Akademia Nauk in Poland in late 2020 with representatives from each project partner. This event will allow the elaboration of the training methodology accompanied by an explanation and demonstration of every training module and additional teaching aid.
Find Out More
Project Consortium
Project number: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047855
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Copyright © 2020 FOOD-AWARE PROJECT, All rights reserved.

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FOOD-AWARE PROJECT · Mesogeion 151 · Athens, Marousi 15126 · Greece

Copyright © 2025 FOOD AWARE.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047855
Mesogeion 151, Marousi 151 26, Athens, Greece